Family Law

Business Field Description

Family Law

Talo Hukuk serves both Turkish citizens and Turkish citizens and foreigners by evaluating the disputes and legal proceedings related to family law within the framework of national and international legislation and by paying utmost attention to the confidentiality of private life.

Some of Our Services in the Field of Family Law:

  • Marriage, engagement, divorce, alimony obligations
  • Execution of divorce and bloodline cases
  • Arrangement and execution of protocol in uncontested divorces
  • Submission of claims for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages in contested divorce cases
  • Execution of Property Sharing Cases after Divorce
  • Producing legal remedies against violation of custody and alimony provisions
  • Making a protection decision in cases of domestic violence and similar situations
  • Resolution of disputes arising from adoption
  • Resolution of disputes arising from family law in matters such as ancestry, kinship, adoption, children’s property, family property and guardianship before the court
  • Providing consultancy services on asset contracts to be made between the parties to be married
  • Resolution of disputes arising from the termination of the engagement
  • Resolution of all disputes in Family Courts.